Thursday, December 30, 2010


Cari is raising money to feed the children of Vision of Destiny Preschool. These children often go hungry due to severe poverty. For $3,810 we can feed 127 (that's all the kids and teachers) both breakfast and lunch for an entire term. That's just 25 cents per person per day! Will you help us? It is our biggest expense but is so worth it! Let Cari or Eric know if you'd like to donate for this term. It will make a HUGE difference in these children's lives!
Your donation will feed the children breakfast (porridge 3 times a week and tea with bananas twice a week) as well as a varying lunch - things like rice, cassava, potatoes, matooke, posho with beans and veggies and fruit.  Also, they get meat and juice on Fridays!  Not only are they not going hungry, it greatly improves their health.  Thank you so much for helping with this expense!  It is deeply appreciated by all the children and teachers as well!

Living Under His Grace and Mercy,
Staci Guthrie

Friday, December 24, 2010


The children, parents, staff and I would all like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas!  We are all so grateful for your prayers and support.  It is a blessing to each and every one of us here in Uganda!  So from our huge VOD family to yours -