I'll be honest, I had no idea just how much hard work it takes to make an entire term successful at Vision of Destiny! There are countless hours spent not just teaching the students, but also on grading papers, filing and sorting them, organizing, and many other jobs that go unnoticed throughout the term. Our students work hard, but our 8 teachers continually amaze me in their dedication to educating these students!
This evening was a reason for celebration as we gathered to recognize the students who placed highest in their classes. According to Cari, over half of all of our students made all A's and B's this term - something that is very much to be proud of!

Tomorrow we start the 2nd term of this school year! We have also welcomed Stephanie Frey who is from Virginia. She will be working with us part time this 2nd term as she continues her application process to be a long term worker with Africa Inland Mission. Also we have welcomed 6 volunteers from Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for 2 weeks as they will be helping with music, arts, and other projects around the school! We are so thankful for those who have come to Uganda to serve alongside of us. We hope they laugh, play, love, and enjoy these kids as much as we do!
A lot is happening as we continue to walk with these families and students! Thanks for your continued prayers and willingness to coming alongside this journey with us!
In Christ,
Courtney Wrinkle
2012 Vision of Destiny Voulnteer